This project consisted of amalgamating Eagleswell and LLanilltud Fawr Primary School into a new 420 space primary school called Ysgol y Ddraig. This will include the rebuilding and refurbishment of Llantwit Major Comprehensive.

This project also included the construction of enhanced sporting facilities for community use outside of school hours, a nursery, external play and learning areas, extension to extension to existing secondary school and an all new weather pitch with 3g playing surface.

The school has been open for pupils since October 2016, with Llantwit Major Comprehensive being completed in September 2017.


LOCATION - Llantwit Major, Vale of Glamorgan, Wales

COMPLETION - July 2017

VALUE - £400,000

WORKS UNDERTAKEN BY DENVALCO - Rebuilding and refurbishment of Llantwit Major school and creation of 420 space primary school.